Name: Lady Death
Motivation: Power
Critter Type: Hellgod
Attributes: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 5, Per 5, Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 25, Brains 20,
Life Points: 400
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Age 5, Magic 10, Attractiveness +5, Status (Hellgod), Resources (equivalent Multi-millionaire), Increased Life Points +260, Cruel (Severe), Honorable (minimal), Delusions (humans = Scum), Covetous (Lechery), Obsession (Power), Hard to Kill 10, Armor Value 10
Name: Purgatori
Motivation: Rule
Critter Type: Hellgod Vampire
Attributes: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 5, Per 7, Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 24, Brains 20,
Life Points: 400
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Magic 10, Vampire (Red Court), Severe Cruel, Minority (Lesbian), Obsession (power), Increased Life Points +260, Hard to Kill 5, Natural Weapons (Bite, Claws), Armor Value 10, Flight (Winged), Attractiveness +5
Name: Darkseid a.k.a. Thanos, The Monolith of Darkness
Motivation: Domination and continued suffering of life
Critter Type: Avatar of Nyarlathotep
Attributes: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 6, Per 7, Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 46, Combat 24, Brains 20,
Life Points: 400
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Unique Kill (if the universe knew, everyone would be better off!), Armor Value 30, Increased Life Points, Supernatural Attack (Omega Beam), Status (Avatar of Nyralathotep, Lord of Apokolypse), Immortality, Regeneration (Con per Hour), Magic 10, Attractiveness -6, Deranged Cruelty, Severe violence, +2 Occultism, Emotional Influence (Fear) (-12 in total with Status), Delusions (Grandeur), Resources (Lord of Apokolypse), Regeneration (Constitution per Turn)
Name: Ashtoreth
Motivation: Completely insane
Creature Type: Mother Goddess
Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 17, Constitution 16, Intelligence 9, Perception 10, Willpower 10
Ability Scores: Muscle 38, Combat 20, Brains 22
Life Points: 168
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Age (Ancient), Covetous (Lecherous & Power), Cruel, Emotional Influence (Awe) -10, Immortal, Iron Mind, Hard to Kill 10, Magic 11, Mental Problems (Deranged), Reduced Damage (1/10 vs kinetic attacks), Regeneration (16 Lifepoints per turn), Supernatural Senses (Fortune Telling, Insight, the Sight)
Name: Odin
Motivation: Seek knowledge and power
Creature Type: Aesir
Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 17, Constitution 16, Intelligence 10, Perception 7, Willpower 10
Ability Scores: Muscle 38, Combat 25, Brains 24
Life Points: 158
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Age (Ancient), Covetous (Ambition), Emotional Influence (Awe) -6, Immortal, Iron Mind, Hard to Kill 10, Magic 18, Reduced Damage (1/10 vs kinetic attacks), Regeneration (15 Lifepoints per turn), Supernatural Senses (Fortune Telling, Insight, the Sight)
Name: Thor
Motivation: Protect mankind from the Elder Gods
Creature Type: Aesir
Attributes: Strength 25, Dexterity 13, Constitution 18, Intelligence 6, Perception 7, Willpower 8
Ability Scores: Muscle 56, Combat 25, Brains 16
Life Points: 182
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Adversary (the Jotunn Elder Gods) 10, Age (Ancient), Emotional Influence (Awe) -5, Immortal, Iron Mind, Hard to Kill 10, Magic 4, Mental Problems (Cruelty and Recklessness), Nerves of Steel, Reduced Damage (1/10 vs kinetic attacks), Regeneration (18 Lifepoints per turn), Supernatural Senses (Fortune Telling, Insight, the Sight)
Name: Loki
Motivation: Power and revenge
Creature Type: Jotunn
Attributes: Strength 13, Dexterity 16, Constitution 14, Intelligence 8, Perception 8, Willpower 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 32, Combat 22, Brains 20
Life Points: 148
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Adversaries (Who hasn't he pissed off) 5, Age (Ancient), Antisocial Impulses (Deceit) 3, Clown, Emotional Influence (Fear) -4, Immortal, Iron Mind, Hard to Kill 10, Hypnosis 3, Magic 13, Reduced Damage (1/10 vs kinetic attacks), Regeneration (14 Lifepoints per turn), Shapechanging 20, Spawn Monster (unique special ability), Supernatural Senses (Fortune Telling, Insight, the Sight)
Name: Myrddin Emrys ap Lleu
Motivation: Create a Utopian British Kingdom with him in charge.
Creature Type: Demigod
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Constitution 5, Intelligence 6, Perception 5, Willpower 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 15, Combat 14, Brains 21
Life Points: 80
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Age (about 1600 years old), Covetous (Serious Ambition and Lust), Demigod, Immortal, Hard to Kill 10, Magic 13, Occult Library (Amazing), Regeneration (4 Lifepoints per minute, from Demogod), Supernatural Senses (Fortune Telling, the Sight)
Name: Herakles
Motivation: Kill monsters, shag a lot, and try not to kill so many people in anger all the time.
Creature Type: Demigod
Attributes: Strength 15, Dexterity 6, Constitution 7, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 21, Brains 12
Life Points: 128
Drama Points: 20
Special Abilities: Adversary (Hera) 6, Attractiveness + 3, Covetous (Serious Lechery), Demigod, Hard to Kill +10, Mental Problems (Serious Cruelty and Recklessness)
Name: Theseus
Motivation: Not be bored
Creature Type: Demigod
Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 6, Constitution 6, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Willpower 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 24, Combat 22, Brains 13
Life Points: 100
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Acrobatics 12, Amphibious, Attractiveness +4, Demigod, Fast Reaction Time, Hard to Kill +10, Love (Tragic), Mental Problem (Serious Recklessness), Natural Toughness, Occultism 8, Situational Awareness