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 Name: Doomsday
Motivation: Crush, Kill Destroy
Critter Type: Hyde-line, Cybernetically and chemically altered Zombie
Attributes: Str 20, Dex 6, Con 15, Int 1, Per 2, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 46, Combat 22, Brains 10,
Life Points: 400
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Iron Mind Hard to Kill 10, Attractiveness -4, Deranged Violence, Natural Toughness, Armor Value 30 (15), Regeneration (Con per Hour), Krytponite Spurs, Cyborg, Increased life Points +220, Natural Weapons (spurred fists), Zombie, Reputation (The thing that killed Superman), Natural Toughness






Name - Colossus

Quote - ""Wrong turn, comrade.""

Alter Ego - Piotr Rasputin, Sex -

Power Level - Hero, Hero Points 10


Str 4/14, Dex 3, Con 4/9, Int 3, Will 3, Pre 4

Quick Stats:

Muscle 34, Combat 16, Brains 13, Defense 15

Size Medium, Lifting Cap. 75 tons


Athletics 3, Crime 0, Influence 2, Knowledge 4, Notice 2, Occult 0

Vehicles 0, Technology 0, Art 5


Hard to Kill (5), Attractiveness (1), Charisma (2), Contacts (X-Men), Adversary (Various), Honorable (Serious)


Alternate Form [Solid] 14, Density 10 (Super-Strength feat: ground strike), Protection (Impervious) 8, Immunity [Life Support] 9, Super-Strength 2, Enhanced Attribute [Constitution] 5





Name: Tim Drake a.k.a. Batman IV, Robin IV
Date of Birth: 1977
Motivation: Fight Crime, live up to the Legacy (and pose as a socialite during the day)
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (Human)
Attributes: Str 5, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 5, Per 5, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 20, Brains 20,
Life Points: 65
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Situation Awareness, Nerves of Steel, Contacts (Governmental) 3, Contacts (Financial) 2, Contacts (Criminal) 3, Adversary (LOTS), Attractiveness +3, Honorable (Serious), Emotional Problems (Fear of Commitment), Occult Library (Important), Obligation (Bat-Family), Secret Identity, Armored Costume (AV 8), Obsession (Fight Crime), Natural Toughness, Resistance (Pain) 4, Martial Travels: Soldier, Bag of Tricks


Name: Cassandra Cain a.k.a. Batgirl III, Black Bat III
Date of Birth: 1980
Motivation: Fight Crime. Atonement
Critter Type: Mask Crime Fighter (Eugenic Human)
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 3, Per 5, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 22, Brains 14,
Life Points: 61
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Nanjin Adept, Fast Reaction, Nerves of Steel, Hard to Kill 5, Situational Awareness, Adversary (Lots, including her own Mother--sometimes), Attractiveness +3, Contacts (Financial) 5, Contacts (Criminal) 3, Contacts (Governmental) 3, Minority (Southeast Asian), Emotional Problems (Loner), Honorable (-2), Resources (Inheritor of the Wayne Fortune), Misift, Obligation (SHIELD), Secret Identity, Armored Costume (AV 8), Obsession (Fight Crime), Natural Toughness, Empathy, Resistance (Pain) 5, Martial Travels: Warrior, Bag of Tricks




Name: Stephanie Brown a.k.a. Spoiler, Robin V, Batgirl IV
Date of Birth: 1981
Motivation: Fight crime, have fun.
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (Human)
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 5, Con 4, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 15,
Life Points: 53
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Secret (Identity), Nerves of Steel, Attractiveness +2, Obligation (Bat-Family), Emotional Problems (Fear of Rejection), Armored Costume (AV 8), Secret Identity, Adversary (Criminals and Costumed Madmen), Resistance (Pain) 2, Bag of Tricks, Martial Travels: Beginner




Name: Carrie Kelly a.k.a. Robin VI, Nightwing III
Date of Birth: 1973
Motivation: Live up to expectations
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 4, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 18, Brains 12
Life Points: 54
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 4, Secret (Identity), Nerves of Steel, Attractiveness +1, Obligation (Bat-Family), Mild Recklessness, Mild Showoff, Armored Costume (AV 8), Secret Identity, Adversary (Criminals and Costumed Madmen), Resistance (Pain) 2, Bag of Tricks, Martial Travels: Beginner, Impaired Senses (Sight, Glasses), Honorable (Minimal)



Name: Conner Kent a.k.a. Superman II, Prime
Date of Birth: 1975
Motivation: Truth and Justice. Stay on top of current events.
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (1/4th Alien/Human Hybrid)
Attributes: Str 19/23, Dex 10/12, Con 10, Int 3, Per 7, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 44/52, Combat 22/24, Brains 14,
Life Points: 291/307
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Armor Value 20, Heat Vision, X-Ray Vision, Enhanced Senses, Acute Senses (all), Attractiveness +3, Contacts (Governmental-High), Contacts (criminal-Low), Increased Life Points + 150, Hard to Kill 5, Super Speed (+60), Leap 12 (+120ft up, 120 yards across), Super Suit (8/4 AV), Secret Identity, Obligation (Government), Regeneration (Con per Minute, 1 per turn), Vulnerability (minor, Kryptonite), Adversary (Lots), Power Armor (War Armor), Resistance (pain) 1, Martial Travels: Beginner


Name: Cassandra Rogers a.k.a. Wonder Woman III
Date of Birth: 1981
Motivation: Protect the US. Don't annoy Mom.
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (1/4th Enhanced Human/Human hybrid)
Attributes: Str 10/18, Dex 10/12, Con 9, Int 4, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 26/42, Combat 22/24, Brains 16,
Life Points: 176/208
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 10, Girdle of Hypolita (+4 Strength, Armor Value +10 when activated), Electro-Magnetic Bracers (+2 Dexterity Armor Value +10 (x2 vs. Energy weapons), Automatically draws bullets and energy blasts to them if they would normally hit, Electric discharge), Vril Tiara (+4 Strength, triple jumping distances and Run speed), Golden Lasso (Unbreakable, those bound make Willpower (not doubled) roll at -5 or tell the truth), Starship: "Invisible Aircraft", Attractiveness +4, Increased Life Points +60, Armored Costume (Armor Value 8), Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Secret Identity, Obligation (Government/mother), Wild Card (Piloting 2), Adversary (Lots), Resistance (pain) 3, Martial Travels: Beginner


Name: May "Mayday" Parker a.k.a. The Spider, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman III
Date of Birth: 1980
Motivation: Fight crime, live up to legacy/not go insane because of it.
Critter Type: Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 7, Dex 8, Con 7, Int 3, Per 7, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 20, Brains 16
Life Points: 81
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Spider-Heir (Psychic Visions, Nanjin Adept, Fast Reaction Time, Enhanced Attributes, Natural Toughness, Wall Crawl (regular Speed), Enhanced Jump (+10 Yards/10ft), Adversary (Si-Fan/The Hand)), Contacts (Parents) 5, Contacts (Government) 2, Attractiveness +1, Adversary (Criminals and costumed monomaniacs), Resistance (pain) 4, Martial Travels: Beginner, Super Suit (8/4 AV), Hard to Kill 5, Web-Shooter, Venom Blaster



Name: Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America
Date of Birth: 1917 (held in cryogenic suspension from 1945-1965) - Deceased September 11, 2001 (Tower Two)
Motivation: Defend America, grumble about changes.
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (Enhanced Human)
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 6, Con 6, Int 4, Per 5, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 20, Brains 16
Life Points: 88
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Immortal, Enhanced Attributes, Hard to Kill 10, Armored Costume (AV 8), Attractiveness +2, Adamantine Shield (AV 40), Contacts (Government), Honorable (Severe), Obligation (US Government), Adversary (Criminals, Terrorists and other Enemies of Freedom), Rank (Captain), Resistance (pain) 6, Martial Travels: Beginner




Name: Elijah Bradely a.k.a. Patriot
Date of Birth: 1988
Motivation: Fight Crime. Make Grandpa Proud.
Critter Type: Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 6, Con 6, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 16, Brains 12,
Life Points: 67
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Natural Toughness, Acute Senses (Hearing), Hard to Kill 3, Super Suit (8/4 AV), Shield (AV: 20), Attractiveness +2, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Mental Problems (Stubborn), Obsession (My Grandfather was the real Captain America), Adversary (Mr. Hyde)




Name: Kate Bishop a.k.a. Hawkeye
Date of Birth: 1988
Motivation: Symbolic Revenge
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 4, Int 4, Per 5, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 17, Brains 14,
Life Points: 57
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Super Suit (8/4 AV), Resources: Rich, Obsession (Revenge for Assault), Mental Problems (Stubborn), Attractiveness +3, Wild Card (Archery), Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Pistolero, Martial Travels: Beginner


Name: Billy Kaplan a.k.a. Wiccan, Asgaurdian
Date of Birth: 1989
Motivation: Be a hero, learn the truth about family
Critter Type: Human Magic User
Attributes: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 4, Per 3, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 12, Brains 14
Life Points: 30
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Flight, Magic 3, Love, Honorable (minimal), Minority (Gay Jew), Super Suit (8/4 AV), Clown, Wild Card (Super Hero knowledge +2)


Name: Tommy Shepard a.k.a. Speed
Date of Birth: 1989
Motivation: Havefunandtrytokeepothersfromthinkingyou'reevil.
Critter Type: Chemically Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 2, Per 4, Will 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 12,
Life Points: 42
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Fast Reaction Time, Increased Speed +100 (+1 per 20 speed to attack or dodge), Vibration Cannon, Addiction (Velocity-12), Covetous (mildly lecherous), Super Suit (8/4 AV), Cruelty (severe)


Name: Noh-Varr a.k.a. Captain Marvel, Protector, Marvel Boy
Date of Birth: 1987
Motivation: Find place on new planet.
Critter Type: Kree
Attributes: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 4, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 18/22, Brains 14
Life Points: 105
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Natural Toughness, Fast Reaction Time, Capellan/Iredonian (Kree), Regeneration (Con per Hour), Resistance (Pain) 5, Acute Senses (Hearing), Natural Weapon (Nails, AP 5), Hard to Kill 5, Kree Armor (Av 10 (15 vs. Beam and Plasma)), Dual Form (White Run: Increased Running Speed +40, Nanjin Adept, -- lasts only 1 turn at a time, must wait 3 turns between uses), Obsession (Earth Culture is really arty) 2 , Attractiveness +4


Name: "Kid Loki" a.k.a. Lock
Motivation: Mischief in the name of Good
Critter Type: Demi-God
Date of Birth: 1993
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 7, Con 6, Int 6, Per 4, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 16, Brains 18
Life Points: 133
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Demi-God (+3 Strength and Con, +60 Life Points), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Magic 5, Occultism +2, Honorable (minimal), Anti-social impulses (Deceit 1), Mild Cruelty, Contacts (Supernatural 5, Criminal 3), Attractiveness +2


Name: Brian Braddock a.k.a. Captain Britain
Date of Birth: 1955
Motivation: Live up to the trust people put in him
Critter Type: Mystically Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 5/18, Dex 4/10, Con 4/10, Int 5, Per 4/10, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 16/42, Combat 14/20, Brains 16/22
Life Points: 61/257
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Captain Britain (+13 Strength, +6 Dex, Con and Per, +120 Life Points, Armor Value (Willpower x 5), Flight (Advanced), Armor and Strength can be lessened (Willpower per SL) by messing with Brian’s confidence), Hard to Kill 5, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time , Love (Romantic - Meggan), Addiction (Former Alcoholic), Honorable (Serious



Name: Dane Whitman a.k.a. The Black Knight (long legacy)
Date of Birth: 1950
Motivation: Make up for past misdeeds
Critter Type: Mystically enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 5, Dex 5, Con 4, Int 5, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 18, Brains 14
Life Points: 61
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Attractiveness +2, Enchanted Item (The Ebony Blade

Resistance (Magic) 5, Can deflect magic, AP 6 except vs. magical targets, can be summoned to the wielder from any location, Grants Immortality and Regeneration (Con per Minute),and unique kill (Can be killed by meteoric iron weapons, which deal double damage and kill at 0 life points), Cursed If used for evil enough times, it will turn the wielder into a berserker), Plate Armor (Enchanted) AV 15, Honorable (Serious), Age 1, Hard to Kill 5, +4 Mr. Fix It.




Name: Joseph Chapman a.k.a. Union Jack III
Date of Birth: 1966
Motivation: Fight for the Common Man
Critter Type: Mystically Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 4/6, Dex 5, Con 4/6, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14/18, Combat 16, Brains 14,
Life Points: 57/73
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Honorable (Serious), Magic Power Armor (AV 12, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, Resistance: Magical 8) , Contacts (Governmental) 2, Attractiveness +1, Artist, Love (Tragic), Adversary (Baroness Blood)




Name: Robert Bruce Banner a.k.a. Mr. Fixit, Blockbuster, Solomon Grundy, The Hulk
Date of Birth: 1927
Motivation: Satisfy Primal Urges. Also, HULK SMASH!
Critter Type: Hyde-Line Lycanthrope
Attributes: Str 19/21, Dex 10, Con 15/17, Int 4, Per 4, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle 44/48, Combat 22, Brains 15,
Life Points: 316/332
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Lycanthrope (Hyde-line), Regeneration (Con per turn), Natural Toughness, Hard to Kill 10, Increased Life Points +140, Armor Value 15, Contacts (Criminal), Mild Cruelty, Mild Lechery, Deranged Violence, weakness (double damage from silver), Status (Crime Lord), Resources (Rich), Adversary (Rival Bosses, the Police, Others)












Name: Lian Harper a.k.a. Black Canary III
Date of Birth: 1978(?)
Motivation: Fight Crime, help people.
Critter Type: Mask Crime Fighter (Human)
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 4, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 21, Brains 14,
Life Points: 42
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Super Suit (8/4 AV), Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Mild Cruelty, Adversary (League of Assassins), Martial Travels: Warrior, Honorable (serious), Attractiveness +4, Honorable (Serious), Contacts (Supernatural 2, Martial Arts 4, Super Hero 5, Governmental 3)





Name: Connor Hawke a.k.a. Green Arrow III, Hawkeye II, Happa Kanna
Date of Birth: 1976
Motivation: Fight crime, train, honor father.
Critter Type: Masked Crime Fighter (Human)
Attributes: Str 5, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 3, Per 6, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 20, Brains 15,
Life Points: 65
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Situation Awareness, Trick Arrows (item), Honorable (Serious), Wild Card (Archery), Minority (Asian with blond hair), Minority (Half-Chinese American), Martial Travels: Warrior, Pistolero, Super Suit (8/4 AV), Contacts (Supernatural 2, Martial Arts 4, Super Hero 5, Governmental 3)


 Name: Jack Knight a.k.a. Starman II
Date of Birth: 1966
Motivation: Protect city
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 4, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 12
Life Points: 38
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Honorable (minimal), Adversaries (Various), Cosmic Rod (Flight, energy blasts, Energy Shield, Telekinesis 5), Mild Recklessness, Armor Value 2 (leather Jacket)



 ame: The Joker
Date of Birth: Unknown
Motivation: Really? Where would the fun be in telling you that?
Critter Type: Chemically Altered Human
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 3, Int 5, Per 5, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 18,
Life Points: 49
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Deranged Cruelty, Obsession (Batman), Attractiveness -1, Adversary (Innumerable), Fast Reaction Time, Contacts (Criminal) 5, Status (The Joker!) 4, +3 Science



Name: Billy Conners a.k.a. The Lizard II, Killer Croc II, Leatherhead II
Date of Birth: 1974
Motivation: FLESH!
Critter Type: Chemical Mutant
Attributes: Str 9, Dex 6, Con 6, Int 1, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 16, Brains 12,
Life Points: 85
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Natural Toughness, Armor Value 2, Regeneration (Con per Turn), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Weapons, Antisocial Impulses (Violence and Cruelty)



 Name: Dr. Victor Fries a.k.a. Mr. Freeze
Date of Birth: 1957
Motivation: Wife, Revenge
Critter Type: Chemically Altered Human
Attributes: Str 2/7, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 4, Per 2, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 10/20, Combat 16, Brains 14,
Life Points: 50/70
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5,  Freeze Suit (+5 Strength, Armor Value 15, puncturing will slowly stun him as cold escapes, scalding him (1 damage per turn until 20 is reached.  then 1 per minute until he is cold again), Freeze Gun, Weakness (die outside cold environment), Mental Problems (Severe Cruelty, Deranged Obsession (Free wife/stop her madness, revenge)), Contacts (Criminal) 2, Attractiveness -2, Immortal



 Name: Nora Fries a.k.a. Lazara
Date of Birth: 1958
Motivation: Revenge and destruction
Critter Type: Chemically altered psychic
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 4, Per 2, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 14,
Life Points: 45
Drama Points: 3
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 1, Pyrokenises 5, Mental Problems (Deranged Delusions), Attractiveness +1

 Name: Oswald Coblepot the Third a.k.a.The Penguin III,
Date of Birth: 1974
Motivation: Greed, the dreams . . .
Critter Type: Deep One HYbrid
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 2, Con 5, Int 4, Per 3, Will 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 14, Brains 16
Life Points: 57
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Resources (Wealthy), Contacts (Criminal 5, Governmental 3, Supernatural 4), Umbrella Multi-weapon(s), Attractiveness -1, Mental Problems (Mild Cruelty), Cowardly (minor), covetous (Major Greed, Minor Lechery)


Name: Ben Grimm a.k.a. "The Thing"
Date of Birth: 1923
Motivation: Protect the kids.
Critter Type: Hyde-line Lycanthrope
Attributes: Str 15, Dex 6, Con 10, Int 2, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 18, Brains 12,
Life Points: 140
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hyde-line Lycanthrope, Natural Toughness, Armor Value 20, Supernatural Form (Definitely Not Human), Hard to Kill 10, Honorable (serious), Nerves of Steel



 Name: T'Challa a.k.a. The Black Panther
Date of Birth: 1948
Motivation: Rule Wisely
Critter Type: Mystically Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 6/8, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 18/22, Combat 18, Brains 16,
Life Points: 75/83
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Panther Armor (+2 Strength, Armor Value 14, +2 additional AV vs. Kinetic Damage, ignores up to AP 3, +4 Crime (stealth)), Vibranium Claws (AP factor 3, +4 Climbing), Hard to Kill 7, Status (King of Wakanda), Resources (Multi-millionaire), Attractiveness +3, Minority (only outside his kingdom), Contacts (Supernatural) 3, Contacts (Governmental, Military) 4, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Night Vision Mask, Honorable (Serious), Mild Cruelty, Obligation (To People), Balanced, Martial Travels (Beginner), Heart-Shaped Herb Application, Wall Crawling Vibranium Boots



 Name: Jennifer Walters a.k.a. She-Hulk
Date of Birth: 1954
Motivation: Litigation
Critter Type: Hyde-line Lycanthrope
Attributes: Str 3/18/20, Dex 3/5, Con 5/10/12, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 12/42, Combat 14/16, Brains 17
Life Points: 57/237/251
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Dual Form, Attractiveness +1/+4, Hyde-line Lycanthrope, Contacts (Governmental) 3, Contacts (Criminal) 2, Contacts (Financial) 1, Contacts (Supernatural) 3, Hard to Kill 5, Regeneration (Con per turn), Natural Toughness, Increased Life Points +100, Wild Card: Legal Information +2, Armor Value 10, Berserker (+2 natural Armor)



Name: Dr. Kristoff Vernard a.k.a. Dr. Kristoff Von Doom a.k.a. Dr. Doom II a.k.a. The Shredder II
Date of Birth: 1980
Motivation: Keep Latveria under control, Cassandra Lang
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 5/20, Dex 4/9, Con 5/10, Int 5, Per 5, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 16/26, Combat 18/23, Brains 18,
Life Points: 65/
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Love (tragic), Magic 2, Attractiveness +2, Power Armor (AV 40, Bio-Filter, Flight, Infra-Vision, Vacuum Sealed, various implanted weapons), Status (Ruler of Latveria), Resources (Multi-Millionaire), Mild Cruelty, Emotional Dependency, Nerves of Steel, Hard to Kill 5, Fear of Rejection, mild cruelty, Teenager



Name: Dinah Lance
Motivation: Fight Crime, Live a life
Critter Type: Metahuman
Attributes: Str 2, Dex 5(3), Con 3, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4(2)
Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 15(11), Brains 12
Life Points: 36
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Attractiveness +2, Hard To Kill 2, Adversaries (villains and Super Villains) 2, Emotional Problems: Fear of Rejection, Honorable: Minimal, Mental Problems: Mild Recklessness, Misfit, Recurring Nightmares, Secret (is a metahuman) 2, Psychic Visions, Supernatural Sense: Insight, Telekinesis 4, Uncontrolled Power



 Name: Raven
Date of Birth: 1967
Motivation: Dont be used by the First
Critter Type: Half-Demon
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Con 3, Int 4, Per 4, Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 14, Brains 16,
Life Points: 34
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Magic 10, Empathy, Attractiveness +1, Psychic Visions (-3 version), Adversary (The First Evil), Contacts (supernatural) 3, +4 Occultism, Emotional problems (Fear of Rejection), Misfit, Super Suit (8/4 AV),




 Name: M'gann M'orzza.k.a. Miss Martian, Megan Morse
Date of Birth: Unknown, exactly (1985?)
Motivation: Protect Raven, be a hero
Critter Type: Demon/Alien Hybrid
Attributes: Str 12, Dex 6, Con 8, Int 3, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 30, Combat 20, Brains 12,
Life Points: 120
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Attractiveness -4 (natural form), Supernatural Form (Definitely Not Human, Telepathy 4, Mild Cruelty, Misfit, Honorable (Serious), Skrull Infectee, Increased Life Points +30, Secret (Origin), Super Suit (8/4 AV)



 Name: Brenda "Blackie" Drago a.k.a. Raptor
Date of Birth: 1978
Motivation: Make up for the past
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 3/4, Dex 5/6, Con 4, Int 3, Per 3/5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12/14, Combat 15/16, Brains 14,
Life Points: 38/42
Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Advanced Vulture Harness, Studded Leather Armor (AV 6), Helmet (AV 12, Head Only), +2 Perception), Cruel (mild), Love, Adversary (Vultures)



 Name: Clark Wildman Jr. a.k.a. Clark Savage, Doc Savage
Date of Birth: 1901
Motivation: Aid the World
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 7, Dex 6, Con 6, Int 7, Per 6, Will 7
Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 20, Brains 20,
Life Points: 77
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Age 1, Contacts (His Five Fantastic Assistants 5, Criminal 3, Political 4, Military 2, Supernatural 4, Financial 3), Status (Legendary Vigilante) 5, Resistance (Pain) 5, Hard to Kill 5, Honorable (Rigid--Thou Shall Not Kill), Photographic Memory, Obsession (Crusade against evil), Delusions (perfectionist, 30's moral mentality), Mental Problems (OCD), Resources (Rich), Martial Travels: Beginner


 Name: Slade Wilson a.k.a. Deathstroke the Terminator
Date of Birth: 1950
Motivation: The Contract, Family
Critter Type: Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 5/7 Dex 6/8, Con 6/8, Int 4, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 23, Brains 14,
Life Points: 69/85
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Contacts (Criminal 5, Supernatural 2), Athlete, Addition (Serum), Impaired Senses (Sight), Adversary (Tons, including Children), Hard to Kill 5, Resistance (Pain) 5, Nerves of Steel, Situational Awareness, Wild Card (Tactics) +4, Serum (Enhanced Attributes, (+2 Physical Attributes), Regeneration/turn), Severe/Deranged Cruelty, Obsession (The Job), Honorable (minimal), Love (Familial), Scale Armor (10 AV), Martial Travels: Soldier

 Name: Helena Wayne a.k.a. Batgirl III, Huntress I
Motivation: Symbolic Revenge, fight crime
Date of Birth: 1957-2000
Critter Type: Costumed Vigilante
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 5, Con 5, Int 4, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 20, Brains 16,
Life Points: 61
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Situation Awareness, Nerves of Steel, Contacts (Governmental) 2, Contacts (Financial) 3, Contacts (Criminal) 3, Adversary (Lots), Attractiveness +3, Honorable (Serious), Severe Cruelty, Obligation (Bat-Family), Secret Identity, Super Suit (AV 8/4), Obsession (Fight Crime, avenge mothers death), Natural Toughness, Resistance (Pain) 3, minority (Appears African-American), Mild Recklessness, Bag of Tricks


Name: Courntey Whitmore a.k.a. Stargirl, Starwoman, Star-Spangled Kid II
Date of Birth: 1984
Motivation: Be a good hero
Critter Type: Human Technology User
Attributes: Str 3/4, Dex 6/7, Con 4/5, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12/14, Combat 15/16, Brains 12,
Life Points: 53/61
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Athlete, Cosmic Rod: (Flight, energy blasts, Energy Shield, Telekinesis 5), Cosmic Converter Belt (+1 all physical attributes), Hard to Kill 5, Mild Recklessness, Attractiveness +2, Honorable (minimal), Super Suit (AV 8/4)


 Name: Mia Dearden a.k.a. Speedy II
Date of Birth: 1985
Motivation: Survive, atone for past
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 5, Con 4, Int 2, Per 3, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 16, Brains 12
Life Points: 53
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Super Suit (AV 8/4), Trick Arrows, Resistance (Pain) 5, Contacts (Criminal) 3, Secret (Former Child Prostitute with STDs), Love (tragic), Cruel (minor), Honorable (minimal)


  Name: Brainiac
Date of Birth: 1850
Motivation: Assimilate all information in the universe. Also, destroy the meddlesome Kryptonian.
Critter Type: Computer Program
Attributes: Str -/20, Dex -/10, Con -/20, Int 7, Per 5, Will 6
Ability Scores: Muscle -/46, Combat -/22, Brains 22,
Life Points: 200
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 10, Robot Body,Obsession (Programming), Armor Value 20

 Name: Jaime Reyes a.k.a. The Blue Beetle
Date of Birth: 1990
Motivation: Get the armor under control, protect El Paso
Critter Type: Human
Attributes: Str 3/7, Dex 4/6, Con 4/6, Int 4, Per 2/6, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 12/20, Combat 12/17, Brains 12
Life Points: 47/71
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Baltan-seijin Armor (+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution,+3 Perception; Armor Value 16; Retractable Blades (2 x Strength, 3 x Strength); Retractable Shield (AV 25); Kung Fu, Getting Medieval, Gun Fu, Wild Card (Powers), Acrobatics +2; Supernatural Attack (Major, Ranged, Plasma Primary);  Variable Yield; Flight (Advanced); Supernatural Senses (Enhanced Senses (all), The Sight); Wireless Interface; Independent AI, Brains 16, Combat 20), Minority (Mexican-American), Attractiveness +2, Hard to Kill 3, Nerd, Adversary (Several, La Dama, the Baltan), Mind of its Own (Non-Evil, but keeps offering lethal options), Naïve



 name: Shannon Carter a.k.a. American Dream, Captain America II
Date of Birth: 1979
Motivation: Be a hero like her parents
Critter Type: Enhanced Human
Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 20, Brains 14,
Life Points: 61
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Attractiveness +4, Partial Super Soldier, Adversaries (Lots), Contacts (Governmental) 4, Hard to Kill 5, Nerves of Steel, Super Suit (AV 8/4), Adamantine Shield AV 40, Honorable (Serious), Obligation (US Government), Resistance (pain) (3), Martial Travels: Beginner


 Name: Lara “Eiko Magami” Kent a.k.a. Super Girl III, Power Girl II, A-Ko
Date of Birth: 1972
Motivation: Live a normal life, Truth and Justice
Critter Type: Amazon/Kryptonian Hybrid
Attributes: Str 22/26, Dex 10/11, Con 13/15, Int 3, Per 7, Will 5
Ability Scores: Muscle 50/58, Combat 23/24, Brains 12
Life Points: 250/274
Drama Points: 10
Special Abilities: Kryptonian/Amazon Hybrid, Armor Value 20, Increased Life Points + 70, Acute Senses (all), Enhanced Senses, Attractiveness +2, Leap 12 (+120 Yards across, +120ft Up), Hard to Kill 10, Super Speed (+60mph), Secret Identity (in quotes), Vulnerability (Kryptonite), Adversary (lots), Resistance (pain) 3, Contacts (“Family” 5, Supernatural 3, Military 5, Political 3, Fandom 5), Rank (Captain), Honorable (serious), Status (Wait, you’re the daughter of who and…oh crap!), Minority (“European” Otaku in Japan/Okinawa), Cosplay Armor (4), Fast Reaction Time, Nerves of Steel, Misfit, Emotional Problems (Survivor's Guilt), an additional +6 to brains for Notice, Obsession (Minor Cosplay/Anime), +6 Brains for crafting costumes/Anime trivia, Martial Travels: Master, Goldion Hammer, Goldion Crusher, Powered Armor (+4 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +10 AV, Lambda Driver (Shield AV 12, can add Willpower to damage for attacks))